Forum > Do you recommend the English International School of Padova ?
I recommend the IB school EISP over Villa Grimani.
Take a look at this review from a former teacher!
I am seriously advising all people thinking about this school to think otherwise. The director of the school is a true crook and many teachers don't have contracts or are paid in black. The children are not fed decently and educational resources are low. Teachers are not treated with respect and are just simply taken advantage of. Do not consider this school for your children or even as a job prospect!!!!!!
I would not send my children here!

Why do you recommend EISP over Villa Grimani Hilda? Just based on something you read on the internet?! There are bad things written about BOTH schools on the internet! Isn't it best to go and see both and then decide?...

My son went to Villa Grimani for a couple of months and we decided to withdraw him and home school, as the British school seemed far to uptight and intense for him. VG had its pros, to be sure. Small classes, caring teachers, art, music, sophisticated curricula. But, they were not well equipped to provide support for a child who needs individual attention to stay focused and productive. Additionally, because our son had no Italian and no Spanish, we opted not to have him in those classes (the other 8th graders were all native Italian speakers). They did provide one-on-one Italian lessons (for addition fees), but he ended up spending 6 hours or more each week unattended, without support or structure. The straw that broke the camel's back for us was that after much struggle already, they made him stay at school during a class trip about which he was very excited because, although I did send in the permissions form, we forgot to send the 10 euro. Then once the kids returned, they had Italian, so he sat on his own for 6 hours that day. They didn't even call us in the morning to see if we would bring the money. I mean, really, we were paying thousands on tuition. Couldn't someone have lent him the ten euro? I think a kid with fluent Italian and who is organized and motivated to progress independently would de well there, but not my boy!

We are also going to be in the Padua area for 3 months, and are looking into EISP for our 14 year old son. He does not speak Italian. He will only be there for 3 months, so we are wondering if it would be better to homeschool, so that we have the option to travel more. Does anyone have any experience with EISP?

The post by a previous teacher that is displayed above was written by a teacher at the primary school and so some of points are redundant with regard to the middle and high school, where your child would be studying. EISP has a large staff that are dedicated to the education of all there students. As with most schools it has it's pros and cons, some of the cons being the management and lack of resources. I am currently a teacher in the Primary school and I do agree with some of the points made above, however I can tell you that the middle school and high school have more resources and better leadership. Children in the primary school are not as fortunate, however the teachers are just as dedicated and do their best to provide a rounded curriculum with what resources they are provided with. Whatever you decide to do, know that everyone has their own opinion and, yes, you may have a negative experience however you may have a very positive experience. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them honestly?

Also I am disgusted by the treatment of your child Giavanna. EISP has Italian support teacher who works with non-Italian children while their class is studying Italian. Last year I had an English child in my class that enjoyed going to her Italian sessions and by the end of the year could speak better Italian than I can. Also I cannot imagine a teacher who would not ask the office to call you or contact you well before the day of the trip. It is an absolute disgrace!

Does anyone have experience with the nursery school at eisp? Do the teachers have qualifications, beside being English mother tongue? How about the ratio teacher/student?
I'd really appreciate any information you may have..

Hello, I used to work there and I can tell you that Nursery staff DO NOT need to be qualified in any way and some are not even mother tongue. Just because you pay does not mean you get quality i'm afriad!

I have just read this post and have to say to 'Giavanna' and 'anonymous' that from my experience of working in schools letters are sent to parents about trips well in advance. If a child doesn't bring the money parents are reminded by individual teachers and a reminder by email. Also from an admin point of view why should a school be responsible for calling every child's parents about payment? Surely an 8th grade student should be responsible for bringing in the money (isn't educating children all about making them responsible adults for the future?!) Imagine in a large school-how can the office call every student?! I think some parents need to see things in a broader picture and not just whats convenient for them...

My children spent 12 years at Villa Grimani and I highly recommend it. They both go to Italian high school now (because Villa Grimani only goes up to middle school)and got various compliments from their teachers for their preparation in various subjects. Speaking about "Giovanna's" son's problem with the trip; 3 weeks before a trip a letter gets sent home with a permission form that you are supposed to bring back to school signed together with the money before a due date that is usually set approx. 1 week before the trip. My daughter was in "Giovanna's" son's class and she remembers that episode well and she says that even though he did not bring the money in the day it was due, the teachers kept on reminding him each day, and they gave him a last chance to bring the money in on the day of the trip. When he did not even bring the money in the day of the trip, the teachers decided to leave him at school to teach him a lesson, because its not possible for a 14 year old boy to forget to bring 10 euro to school for 3 weeks after the many reminders. As "Laura" says, educating children is also about making them responsible adults for the future!

Does anyone have the current (2014/2015) fee schedule for EISP?

Are there American families with elementary age students at either EISP or the international school of Treviso? We are looking into both schools for a possible move to the Veneto region and would love to know if there are Americans that could provide insight on either schools.

Hi- we are an English family also considering a move to Padova area this summer. We have 3 children aged 11,8 and 3. We have just visited eisp and Villa Grimani international school which is in Noventa Padovana just outside padova. We were really impressed with villa grimani and wondered whether you had considered that school too?
Does anybody else have any experience of villa grimani?

Hi "HL" There are some Americans in the Veneto area. I am American and in my neighborhood there is also another American couple as well. It's nice to know there are more coming to join us! What a small world. Have you considered Villa Grimani International School in Padova? I hear good things about it . My seamstress has two grand daughters currently attending (3, and 5) and they have some American teachers too! My husband's coworker sends his daughter, see's 8, also. She loves it. It's less expensive than EISP and there are smaller classes which means a better student teacher ratio.

My children attend Villa Grimani (I'm English), and I'm really happy with it, as they are. Go and have a look. They really enjoy going to school and are learning lots. They are in very small classes and get support with their Italian.

I had thought that Villa Grimaldi might be too small and possibly limiting for expats coming to a new country. In the US my children are in a small public school with class sizes of 20 and grade sizes of 100 students.
Where is a good location for an expat family in the area? Are there convenient neighborhoods that are safe and have modern and nice rental properties for long term rentals?

Dear HL, no I don't find Villa Grimani too small really, I think its just the right size and we have made lots of new friends through our children!
The Noventa Padovana area is very 'leafy' and handy too as its so close to Padua, Venice, the motorway etc. Otherwise i know a lot of the parents live on the road leading to Venice, Dolo, Stra etc. Maybe try those.

Does anyone know anything about the International school of Venice (located in Mestre)? I am an American mom living in Venice and considering sending my children there but can find no info on-line about the tuition fees. Anyone have any information on this? Thanks in advance.

Hi, my family will be soon relocating to Padova with me. My twins are 2 years old and we are looking for an English school. I have been told about EISP. So far from above comments, I have not heard a positive comment about that school. Villa Grimani school I heard here for the first time.
Can you suggest which one is better and why?

We are moving to the Vicenza/Padua area this August. We have 3 kids, 15,11,7 and am looking at schools in the area. I would really like to hear if anyone highly recommends EISP in any way. I have only heard a few negative things but am searching for any positive input. I would also like any input about the high school IB programme, as this is the main reason I am looking at this school.Thanks.